The Season 2021-2022

Find out about the Palazzetto Bru Zane’s programme for summer 2021 and the main events of the 2021-22 season. The full programme will be announced at the end of the summer.

This new season centres on two bicentenaries: the death of Napoleon Bonaparte (1821) and the birth of César Franck (1822). The first inspires a thematic cycle focusing on music performed during the Directory, the Consulate and the First French Empire, with little-known works composed between 1795 and 1815. The second is devoted to the works of César Franck and those of his many disciples.

With the end of lockdown comes a desire for celebration, and opportunities will certainly not be lacking this season, which will include a particularly exciting event: the rediscovery of the first version (1866) of La Vie parisienne, published by the Centre de musique romantique française and staged under the direction of Christian Lacroix. The major interest in Offenbach and his works is also confirmed by the tour of his operetta Le 66!, which will be performed this summer at the Avignon Festival. Happy discoveries!
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Events of the season

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Activities for schools (Italy)

Dalla sua apertura al pubblico nel 2009, il Palazzetto Bru Zane ha sviluppato in modo sempre più esteso la sua missione di diffusione della musica romantica francese con particolare attenzione alla didattica: dal 2012 ha coinvolto 186 classi primarie provenienti da tutto il Veneto nel progetto Romantici in erba con l’obiettivo di avvicinare i più piccoli alla musica classica mediante un approccio ludico e divertente. A partire dal 2014 il progetto è stato proposto anche alle scuole dell’infanzia del comune di Venezia, adattando i contenuti all’età dei partecipanti.

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Brochures from past seasons

Brochure 2020-2021
Brochure 2020-2021
Brochure 2019-2020
Brochure 2019-2020
Brochure 2018-2019
Brochure 2018-2019
Brochure 2017-2018
Brochure 2017-2018
Brochure 2016-2017
Brochure 2016-2017
Brochure 2015-2016
Brochure 2015-2016