Bru Zane Classical Radio

George Onslow
Quintetto per strumenti a fiato pt.8
International Opera Awards 2024
Bru Zane Label
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the mission
The vocation of the Palazzetto Bru Zane – Centre de musique romantique française is the rediscovery and international promotion of the French musical heritage of the period 1780-1920. Its interests range from chamber music to the orchestral, sacred and operatic repertories, not forgetting the lighter genres characteristic of the ‘esprit français’ (chanson, opéra-comique, operetta). The Centre was inaugurated in 2009 and has its headquarters in a Venetian palazzo dating from 1695 specially restored for this purpose. It is an emanation of the Fondation Bru.
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Digital resources for French Romantic music
The website hosts articles on people, works and topics authored by musicologists and historians collaborating with Palazzetto Bru Zane.
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