Romantic Trios

Concert Chamber Music Online
Thu 11 February 2021
These two piano trios – a youthful work by Chausson (1881, then twenty-six) and a mature work by Saint-Saëns (1892, fifty-seven) – bear witness to the vitality and diversity of chamber productions in late nineteenth-century France. While the younger composer followed in the footsteps of César Franck, albeit respecting the traditional form of the four-movement trio, his elder liked to break with convention and thus flummox an audience who thought they knew everything about him since his first piano trio, premiered nearly thirty years earlier. Its five-movement structure, surprising rhythmic interplay and mischievous allusions remind us that aging composers were not necessarily traditionalists.
David Petrlik violin
Volodia Van Keulen cello
Philippe Hattat piano
Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano en sol mineur, op. 3
Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano n° 2 en mi mineur, op. 92
As part of the Venice Carnival
Bru Zane Mediabase
Digital resources for French Romantic music
The website hosts articles on people, works and topics authored by musicologists and historians collaborating with Palazzetto Bru Zane.