Mel Bonis (1858-1937)
Parcours d'une compositrice de la Belle Époque
The Actes Sud/Palazzetto Bru Zane collection — co-authored books, musicological essays, conference proceedings or archive documents — gives the floor to key actors and witnesses in the artistic history of the 19th century, as well as their present-day critics. Published at the rate of two to four books each season, the collection will examine many aspects of the French Romantic répertoire and the musical life of this period, focusing on the careers of famous or neglected composers as well as the history of the concert, musical genres and performers.
Contents of the book
Responsable scientifique des publications et des colloques du Palazzetto Bru Zane, Étienne Jardin est docteur en Histoire de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales. Ses travaux portent essentiellement sur la vie musicale en France, depuis la Révolution jusqu’au XXe siècle (enseignement, concert et art lyrique). Fondateur de la revue électronique Transposition. Musique et sciences sociales, il a dirigé plusieurs ouvrages parus chez Actes Sud, Brepols et Peter Lang.