Throughout the season

The prodigal son

Cine-concert presented in italian

L'Enfant prodigue (1916).
Film by Edmond Benoît-Levy based on the pantomime by Michel Carré fils (1890).
Live music by André Wormser, composed for the pantomime and performed during the theatrical and cinematic tour of 1907 (with Manuel de Falla on piano) and in the subsequent 1916 film.
© Adolphe Willette, “Les Affiches illustrées”
In 1907 Manuel de Falla moved to Paris, the centre of the avant-garde at the time, to broaden his musical horizons. Due to financial difficulties, that summer he joined a theatre company touring Europe as pianist, playing the music composed by André Wormser for the pantomime L’Enfant prodigue. It starred the famous Paris Opera dancer Emma Sandrini and was a huge success. This triumph inspired two films: one in 1907 (considered a pioneering work in the history of cinema) and the other in 1916, which will be screened during the cine-concert. Both films used Wormser’s composition.

Followed by wine and product tasting from Laguna nel bicchiere


Tue 12 November 2024
Palazzetto Bru Zane, Venice


Prof. Paolo Pinamonti presentation
Juan Carlos Garvayo piano
Cultural partner Rete Cinema in Laguna

In collaboration with the Fundación Juan March of Madrid, the Fundación Archivo Manuel de Falla of Grenade and the CNC of Paris

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