Céphale et Procris

André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry
LES AGRÉMENS CHŒUR DE CHAMBRE DE NAMUR Guy van Waas direzione con Bénédicte Tauran, Katia Vellétaz, Pierre-Yves Pruvot, Isabelle Cals, Aurélie Franck, Caroline Weynants
2 CD

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English e Français.

Only a few years were needed before Grétry became one of the most prominent personalities of the French musical world. The successes that he booked after his first opéra-comique Le Huron (1769) won him the high esteem and personal friendship of the Dauphine, after which the Court also opened its doors to him and several of his works were performed there in succession. Official confirmation of his status came in 1773, when Louis XV and his court commissioned him to write a large-scale work for a special occasion: this was to be Céphale et Procris.

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Risorse digitali sulla musica romantica francese
André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry