Dictionnaire des théâtres parisiens
This dictionary, a valuable resource for scholars of French opera, ballet, and plays of the period, provides information about Parisian theatres in the nineteenth century. This new and enlarged edition covers the period from 1807 to 1914.
All of the information was gathered from archival documentation (printed and manuscript sources). The entries describe the history of the establishment of each theatre, including location(s), architect(s), inauguration date, chronology of administration, seating capacity, genres in the theatre's repertoire, and directors, conductors, ballet masters and so on associated with the theatre. Also of interest are illustrations of theatre façades, seating charts, maps, and other iconography, much of it in colour.
Nicole Wild, who is qualified as an organist, music historian and musicologist, has a doctorate from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne: thesis on the relationships between Parisian theatres and those in power (1807-1864). A specialist in nineteenth-century French opera and in musical iconography of that time, Nicole Wild was for some years chief curator of the Paris Opéra Library and Museum. She has published many articles and books.
Bru Zane
Classical Radio