“When you can’t afford to travel, you have to make up for it with your imagination,” wrote Claude Debussy in 1903, when he was working on his piano work Estampes. Indeed, for a composer, no extensive knowledge of a country is really needed in order portray it through his music. Exoticism in the works of French composers was often inspired by snippets of information gleaned from the World Fairs (the Expositions Universelles) and from drawings and photographs, or from globe-trotters’ accounts of their travels. And thus, combining these with their own personal, Romantic or Symbolist, world, they transported their listeners to fabulous destinations.
Salome Jordania piano
Works for piano by DEBUSSY, BONIS, GODARD and RAVEL
Claude Debussy
1. Préludes, Premier livre (extrait) : Les Collines d’Anacapri
Mel Bonis
2. Sévilliana op. 125
Claude Debussy
3. Estampes :
I. Pagodes – II. La Soirée dans Grenade – Jardins sous la pluie
Mel Bonis
4. Femmes de légende, Sept Pièces pour piano (extrait) : Desdémona, op. 101
Claude Debussy
5. Danse (Tarentelle styrienne)
Mel Bonis
6. Femmes de légende, Sept Pièces pour piano (extrait) : Phoebé, op. 30
Benjamin Godard
7. Scènes italiennes op. 126 (extrait) : III. Tarentelle
8. Barcarolle No 3 op. 105
Maurice Ravel
9. La Valse
(transcription pour piano du compositeur)
Claude Debussy
1. Préludes, Premier livre (extrait) : Les Collines d’Anacapri
Mel Bonis
2. Sévilliana op. 125
Claude Debussy
3. Estampes :
I. Pagodes – II. La Soirée dans Grenade – Jardins sous la pluie
Mel Bonis
4. Femmes de légende, Sept Pièces pour piano (extrait) : Desdémona, op. 101
Claude Debussy
5. Danse (Tarentelle styrienne)
Mel Bonis
6. Femmes de légende, Sept Pièces pour piano (extrait) : Phoebé, op. 30
Benjamin Godard
7. Scènes italiennes op. 126 (extrait) : III. Tarentelle
8. Barcarolle No 3 op. 105
Maurice Ravel
9. La Valse
(transcription pour piano du compositeur)