The art of focusing on essentials…
Who would believe that one-act operas and operettas account for almost two thirds of the French opera repertory from the Romantic period, since they are rarely performed today? In the large theatres, these works were originally intended as curtain raisers for three-act pieces, making it possible to fill evening-length opera programmes in order to keep spectators interested for three or four hours at a stretch. In smaller houses, these works were the high point of the evening, often concluding a series of comic or choreographic numbers. Another factor was that the small theatres, as well as lacking funds, had to obey the restrictions imposed on them by the decree of 1807: no more than two or three performers on stage, no chorus, no ballet. They could do a lot with a little, suggest what could not be shown, increase action in the wings, introduce non-speaking characters, or refer to the collective imagination. The result was an incredibly amusing repertory, which never failed to involve the audience, bringing actors and spectators together in celebration of the “Paris spirit”, which was a mixture of bawdy comedy and situational surrealism.
Les Bouffes de Bru Zane
In the antechamber of memory, some delightful works await our attention. This is certainly one of them. And it is definitely worth rushing to Marigny to take up this invitation to the voyage offered by the Palazzetto Bru Zane.
Forum Opéra about Le Retour d’Ulysse
Jacques Offenbach's Le 66 !
first premiered
first premiered
Charles Lecocq's Le Docteur Miracle
first premiered
first premiered
Jacques Offenbach's Lischen et Fritzchen
first premiered
first premiered
Frédéric Barbier 's Faust et Marguerite
first premiered
first premiered
Charles Lecocq's Sauvons la caisse
first premiered
first premiered
Frédéric Wachs' Un mari dans la serrure
first premiered
first premiered
In collaboration with Atelier lyrique de Tourcoing / La Barcarolle, Saint-Omer / CAV&MA – Namur Concert Hall / Festival d’Avignon / Fugue à l’Opéra, Chaumont / La maisondelaculture de Bourges - Scène nationale / Opéra de Montpellier / Opéra National de Bordeaux / Opéra de Saint-Étienne / Opéra de Tours / Opéra de Vichy / Théâtre de Cornouaille - Scène nationale de Quimper / Les Théâtres – Aix-en-Provence / Théâtre de Dreux / Théâtre Montansier | Versailles / Théâtre Municipal de Nevers